Untitled platformer game (the title may or may not be inspired by a certain game about geese) is a 1-button 2d platformer game made in Godot game engine.

Winner of the Untitled Game Jam 93, or Untitled Game Jam Birthday Day Bash 5 with the theme "one button controls".

Jump through difficult obstacles and tight gaps (and maybe rage at them) while trying to reach the flag at the end

Overall the game took me about 30 hours in the engine

All the art is from the Pixel platformer asset pack by Kenney the goat

The background music is Adventure by Alexander Nakarada

Sounds are taken  from pixabay.com


Untitled platformer game.exe 72 MB


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i won les go :D

ok yall should i try to continue it or make something similar with basically the same physics after the jam


now the file has an icon and it's a single exe :D

(turns out there was just a setting to embed the .pck file that i missed)

I liked the coin introduction where it teaches you how some jumps can’t be made without them. Also, controller support would be huge if you wanted to continue developing this game

i don't have a controller so it'd be a pain to implement

also would probably be a pain to play

Got up to here. Nice game!


might've made the game a bit too hard :>

actually really good! the physics and the dash are both really nice

ayy thanks (honestly i kinda got lucky that it plays well i just randomly put numbers in till it worked)